
The Pharmacy is located in Montreal’s Pointe-Saint-Charles district, a neighbourhood known for its dedication and community spirit. By choosing to settle in Pointe-Saint-Charles, the Pharmacie has also committed to getting involved in the community, and thus supports and participates in many community initiatives.

Donnez au suivant Programme: Home Care and Mobility

In 2019, the pharmacy created the Donnez au suivant programme: we collect second-hand home care accessories and tools and we redistribute them for free to people in need.

Book Donations and Sharing

The pharmacy offers its windows to everybody from the neighbourhood to leave or take a book.

Annual Pointe-Saint-Charles Petanque Tournament

Organized by the Knox Tavern, profiting Familles en Action.

Food Drive

Organized by Familles en Action, benefiting Pointe-Saint-Charles families.

Coup de pousse

Community initiative of urban gardening, organized by the students of Pointe-Saint-Charles, in collaboration with their parents and the merchants and citizens of the neighbourhood.