The years 2019 and 2020 came with exciting new updates for the Pharmacie Carole Cyr, which keeps developing its offer to improve its service to you! September 2019: the pharmacy creates the Donnez au suivant programme: we collect second-hand home care accessories and tools and we redistribute them for free to people in need. November 2019: theRead more about 2019-2020 News[…]
Read more 2019-2020 NewsServices

Clinique de voyage //Travel Clinic
La Pharmacie Carole Cyr vous offre tous les services de santé dont vous avez besoin pour partir en voyage, de la consultation à la vaccination en passant par la prescription et la trousse de premiers soins personnalisée.
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Pharmacie Carole Cyr offers you all the health services you need for traveling, from consultation and prescription to vaccination and your very own personalized first aid kit.
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Prise en charge des maladies chroniques // Follow-Ups on Chronic Conditions
La Pharmacie vous offre la possibilité de faire plusieurs tests directement chez nous, en seulement quelques minutes!
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The Pharmacy offers you the opportunity to do certain tests with us in just a few minutes!
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Revue pharmacologique // Pharmaceutical Records Analysis
Nos pharmaciennes spécialisées analyseront le contenu de votre dossier médicamenteux pour s'assurer que vous preniez les bons médicaments à la bonne dose et au bon moment, sans interaction.
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Our specialized pharmacists will analyze the content of your medical file to ensure that you take the right amount of the right medication at the right time, without any interaction.
More details on our services

Vaccination des adultes // Vaccination for Adults
Nous révisons votre statut de vaccination, nous prescrivons et vaccinons (vaccins de la santé publique et non-publique).
We review your vaccination status, we prescribe and we vaccinate (public health vaccines and others).
Contact us

Bas de contention // Support Stockings
Nous sommes un centre certifié pour les bas de contention SIGVARIS.
We are a certified store for SIGVARIS support stockings.
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Gagnez du temps! // Save Some Time!
Du nouveau // The latest
Dec, 20
New Services Available!
In our pursuit of you better general health, we now offer several new services that are part of the six components of general health. At the Pharmacie Carole Cyr, you can now benefit from the following services: Expertise in dermo-cosmetics: pharmacists at the Pharmacie Carole Cyr can now advise you on different products for theRead more about New Services Available![…]
Read more New Services Available! -
Dec, 20
The Pharmacie is the Official Travel Partner of the SRC Challenges!
Pharmacie Carole Cyr has become the official travel-health partner of the Cancer Research Society’s CRS Challenges. Participants in these challenges travel to all corners of the globe to participate in bike tours, trekking adventures or world-famous climbs, like Mount Kilimanjaro. The challenges being particularly demanding physically and under harsh conditions, participants need good preparation forRead more about The Pharmacie is the Official Travel Partner of the SRC Challenges![…]
Read more The Pharmacie is the Official Travel Partner of the SRC Challenges!Dec, 18Bill 41 : Your Pharmacist Can Do More for You!
Since the summer of 2015, pharmacists in Quebec can now perform certain acts under Bill 41. These acts are intended to be preventive actions that always aim to improve your health. For more details on the implications of Bill 41, you can consult the website of the Ordre des Pharmaciens du Québec (OPQ) (french only).Read more about Bill 41 : Your Pharmacist Can Do More for You![…]
Read more Bill 41 : Your Pharmacist Can Do More for You! -
Dec, 18
The Pharmacie Conducts its First Research Project
In a constant effort to improve the practice of community pharmacy in Quebec, the Parmacie Carole Cyr conducted its first independent research project in February of 2017. The study aims to establish compliance of blood tests with the Cobas b101 device. This device allows to perform blood glucose and cholesterol tests with a simple capillaryRead more about The Pharmacie Conducts its First Research Project[…]
Read more The Pharmacie Conducts its First Research ProjectDec, 18Classes and workshops now offered!
The Pharmacy now offers several events in the form of courses, workshops and conferences, held at the pharmacy itself! This initiative is part of our mission of pursuing your general health, more precisely working to improve the health education component. Made possible by our partner PillBox+, these events deal with different topics related to health,Read more about Classes and workshops now offered![…]
Read more Classes and workshops now offered!